Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS Open Day 2016

Yale-NUS Open Day 2016

On 12 March 2016, Yale-NUS College welcomed throngs of visitors to its new permanent campus, which was inaugurated in October 2015. This is the first time Yale-NUS College hosted Open Day on its own campus. A dazzling array of activities was available across the campus for prospective students who also had the opportunity to meet with Admissions counsellors and Yale-NUS students to learn more about our community of learning.

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Admissions consellors were on deck at the booth at the Performance Hall foyer to answer questions from prospective students. Image by Aleithia Low 

As a College with a fully residential programme where students stay on campus during the four years of their undergraduate education, Open Day enabled prospective students to see campus residential life in action and catch a glimpse of the new campus. Prospective students and their parents were invited to tour the campus facilities where living and learning intertwines. Yale-NUS students led these hourly campus tours and shared with visitors their favourite places on campus, and how spaces such as the dining halls, common lounges and even the walkways, helped them to build close ties with not only their peers, but also with staff and faculty.

Open Day 2016 Campus Tour buttery

Visitors at the The Shiok Shack, Saga College’s buttery, a stop on the campus tour led by students. Image by Aleithia Low 

At the sample classes, prospective students had a taste of the unique education model that Yale-NUS offers. Assistant Professor Stanislav Presolski gave an interactive chemistry class on molecular building blocks, highlighting a molecule’s peculiar properties and self-organising behaviour. Others tried applying a variety of theories to answer the question on why people migrate during a social sciences class with Assistant Professor Anju Mary Paul.

Open Day 2016 Sample Class Stanislav Presolski

Assistant Professor of Science Stanislav Presolski conducting his sample class. Image by Aleithia Low

For those who were keen to pursue a Yale-NUS education, our Admissions Counsellors readily shared tips on how to put together a strong application – a bonus for those who visited the campus for the Yale-NUS Open Day!

Putting together a strong application Open Day 2016

The Black Box Theatre was packed with people keen to find out more on how to put together a strong application. Image by Aleithia Low

The ‘Liberal Arts and Your Career’ panel was another key Open Day event that was fully subscribed. Targeting questions about the value of a liberal arts degree, distinguished employers from Google, Bain and Company, and Tata Communications shared why they preferred to hire liberal arts graduates. They unanimously highlighted how liberal arts graduates are trained to approach a problem from multiple perspectives, an attribute that is becoming of growing importance in today’s ever-changing economy.

Yale-NUS students also showcased their talents and shared a slice of their college life. The campus was abuzz with activities such as various groups serenading the crowds with their melodies, a merchandise booth by the Yale-NUS Bookstore and even a screening of the student-made award-winning film Duende at the café.

If you missed the Yale-NUS Open Day 2016, you can still get your admissions questions answered by visiting http://admissions.yale-nus.edu.sg or writing to admissions@yale-nus.edu.sg. Applications for the last round of admissions this year close on 20 March 2016.

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