Frequently Asked Questions
About Frequently Asked Questions

Selecting a Major

Students select their majors at the end of their second year, after going through two years of the Common Curriculum. The list of majors includes:

  • Anthropology
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Economics
  • Environmental Studies
  • Global Affairs
  • History
  • Life Sciences
  • Literature
  • Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences (MCS)
  • Philosophy
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
  • Physical Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Urban Studies

Law is the major for students enrolled in the Double Degree Programme with Law unless an exception is granted by the College. Some majors, such as Urban Studies, Global Affairs, and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, combine ideas and methods from a range of disciplines to create an interdisciplinary course of study. Disciplinary majors such as History, Literature, Psychology, and Economics will offer students an opportunity to study some of these fundamental disciplines.

Yes. A Yale-NUS education integrates the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and your major. During the four years with the College, 34 percent of a typical Yale-NUS student’s classes will comprise courses leading to your major and another 35 percent on electives and prerequisites for your major. Each major is broadly conceived, and you can choose to focus in an area of your interest within your major.

Yale-NUS guarantees to offer classes in all the majors listed. The classes are not contingent on the number of students who have opted for the major.

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