Frequently Asked Questions
About Frequently Asked Questions

Housing and Campus Experience

Yale-NUS College is Singapore’s first liberal arts and sciences college, and the first with a full residential college model that integrates living and learning. All students, including Singaporeans, live in and become active members of their Residential College throughout their four years of study at Yale-NUS, except for time spent abroad.

Extracurricular activity is central to the Yale-NUS College experience. Unlike Yale and NUS, where many decades of activity have built a vast array of student clubs and organisations, Yale-NUS College started with a clean extracurricular slate. Students can initiate and develop their own organisations on campus, and the list of extracurricular activities continues to grow. We work with our students to develop a lively and robust extracurricular life on campus, where students can gather freely to debate and exchange opinions on various issues.

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