Letter from the President July 2022
Letter from the President July 2022 Letter from the President July 2022 Letter from the President July 2022

1 July 2022

Dear Yale-NUS community and friends,

I am excited and honoured to have been appointed the President of Yale-NUS College. 

Yale-NUS has been home to me for the past five years of my life, it is a home that I am most proud of. Our community of passionate and talented individuals who are dedicated to building our community and making a difference in all that we do, never ceases to amaze and inspire me. 

For a small college our size, we have nurtured outstanding graduates who are now working and living in different parts of the world, produced world class research that has benefitted the lives of others, and led projects that have created a positive impact on our community within Yale-NUS and beyond.

We have a proud history and shall continue to press forward to create new milestones to leave a lasting legacy for the College. 

I look forward to continue working with every one of you – our faculty, staff, students, families, alumni and friends – to take the College forward in the next three years. I would also like to take this chance to thank our donors for your strong support for Yale-NUS College. 

The next three years will be our halcyon days – a period of tranquillity that gives us the space and time to preserve, celebrate, and build on what is important to us. I call on all our community members to continue to push forward in your respective areas – teaching and learning, research, experiential opportunities, campus life, administration and other projects that you are passionate about. The College will give you our full support to enable you to make the best of your next three years here, and make an impact that lasts.

As we move forward, I would like to bring us back to the core of what is Yale-NUS College. 

A community of learning.

Founded by two great universities,

In Asia, for the world.

Our vision has guided those before us, and it will continue to guide us in the years ahead. 

Let us make full use of the time ahead to continue to seek transformation, explore new knowledge and challenges, while at the same time, build an inclusive community grounded in respect and care for one another.

I can’t wait to get started. 


Joanne Roberts

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