Our Faculty Sudatta Ray
A headshot of smiling Sudatta Ray who has short black hair of shoulder length, wearing earrings and a white sleeveless top with blue-red-orange flower pattern. She is standing in front of some greenery.
Sudatta Ray
Social Sciences (Environmental Studies)
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor Sudatta Ray received her PhD from the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources at Stanford University. Asst Prof Ray has over four years of professional experience working with the government of India, World Wide Fund for Nature and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water on issues of climate change governance and energy policy.
Asst Prof Ray received her MS in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University (on a Fulbright Nehru Fellowship in Leadership and Development) and MS and Bachelors in Chemistry from Delhi University.

Asst Prof Ray studies the unintended consequences of different electrification strategies on rates of electricity access and how electricity access enables (or in some cases restrict) income enhancing productive applications. Her research aims to contribute to maximising social benefits by effectively measuring, targeting and sequencing electrification policies.

Research Specialisations
  • Energy access
  • Food security
  • Food-energy-water nexus
  • Powering the Planet
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