Our Faculty Stanislav Presolski
A headshot of smiling Stanislav Presolski who has short brown hair, a mustache, and a beard, wearing a black “Feminist” t-shirt. He is posing by crossing his hands over his chest, standing at the Yale-NUS Performance Hall foyer, in front of a wall drawing.
Stanislav Presolski
Science (Chemistry)
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor Stanislav Presolski has been on the move ever since leaving Bulgaria to attend the United World College of the Adriatic in Italy. After obtaining a BA in Physics and Chemistry from Colby (a small liberal arts college in Maine, USA), a PhD from The Scripps Research Institute in California and post-doctoral training at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands he has found in Yale-NUS a place that he calls home. Not only for its tolerant, multicultural and otherwise brilliant community, but also for its ambition to redefine the academic status quo in Singapore and enhance liberal arts education the world over.

Asst Prof Presolski leads a research group of undergraduates, who design, prepare and deploy photo-switchable catalytic molecules.

  • Early Career Teaching Award
  • Scientific Inquiry II
  • Foundations of Science – Molecular Perspectives
  • Experimental Methods in Physical Science
  • Organic Chemistry with Laboratory
  • Instrumental Analysis with Laboratory
  • Accelerated Organic Chemistry
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