Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS honours outstanding staff with the 2023 Core Values Champions Award

Yale-NUS honours outstanding staff with the 2023 Core Values Champions Award

Teams and individual staff receive recognition for exemplifying Yale-NUS’ Core Values

Aruzhan Shalabayeva
Published Nov 24, 2023

The Core Values Champions programme was established by Yale-NUS College to recognise staff, faculty, and teams who demonstrate exemplary behaviours that represent the College’s Core Values and bring a positive impact to the College and its community. The staff members who best exemplify the College’s five core values – transformation, exploration, respect, inclusivity, and care – are nominated by colleagues and students and celebrated for their achievements.

The winners of the 2023 Core Value Champion team award is the Laboratory Support team, headed by Dr Ng Li Fang and consisting of Chloe Lim, Angelica Faye, Minli Leow and Elisa Lim. Head of Laboratories, Research and Compliance Dr Ng looked back at the challenges that the team faced in the past year, particularly that of transitioning of laboratory operations to the National University of Singapore (NUS) in light of the College’s upcoming 2025 closure.

“This past year has been a journey of resilience and dedication, as we went about our work to facilitate the transition of laboratory operations to NUS, navigating through numerous challenges with steadfast determination,” shared Dr Ng. “As the Head of Laboratories, I am deeply honoured that my team has been recognised for embodying the core value of Transformation. It’s all thanks to the hard work and unity of the Laboratory Support Team. We have built a strong, cohesive team that stands at the forefront of facilitating cutting-edge teaching and research.”

The Laboratory Support Team embraces community spirit through voluntary work. Image provided by Dr Ng Li Fang.

There are two recipients of this year’s individual award, namely, Benjamin Van Son, Senior Manager, Centre for International & Professional Experience (CIPE),  and Chiaping Wen, Residential Life Officer (RLO), Student Affairs Office.

At CIPE, Senior Manager Van Son manages the international programmes team, which supports the College’s semester and summer study abroad opportunities. The team was successful in maintaining their existing study abroad partnerships, as well as securing a number of new partners in various locations worldwide. Senior Manager Van Son also works with incoming exchange students, welcoming them to the College community and providing them with holistic support.

Senior Manager (CIPE) Benjamin Van Son helps students navigate study abroad experiences. Image provided by Benjamin Van Son.

“The recognition is humbling,” Senior Manager Van Son shared upon receiving the Core Values Champions award. “I see colleagues from all around the College constantly espouse the Core Values, and they inspire me to commit to these values as well. I believe the Yale-NUS community is unique in this caring, collaborative culture, and I’m very grateful to receive this recognition when there are so many deserving staff members.”

As for RLO Wen, her work at the College involves supporting students and enhancing their well-being in residential living. Besides helping individual students navigate their College journeys, RLO Wen and her team coordinate a variety of events throughout the academic year to enrich the overall college experience.

RLO Wen discussed how her responsibilities changed throughout the past year as the residential living arrangements adjusted after the community moved into two residential colleges. In addition to her RLO role, she has taken on a secondary role of a Life Coach. “As a life coach, I help students set and achieve personal and professional goals, such as enhancing relationships, exploring new career paths, or attaining financial success,” said RLO Wen. “My role involves working closely with individuals to identify their strengths, values, and beliefs, and together we develop strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve their desired outcomes.”

Residential Life Officer Chiaping Wen plays an instrumental role in supporting students’ well-being. Image provided by Chiaping Wen.

On receiving the individual Core Values Champions award, RLO Wen shared, “This recognition means a great deal to me because it reflects not only my personal commitment to the Core Values of Yale-NUS College, but also the collective efforts of everyone in the Residential College staff team. It speaks volumes to the collaborative spirit and dedication that exists within our workplace at Yale-NUS.”

Looking ahead, RLO Wen considers how that the award will help shape her further work at the College. “Receiving this award inspires me to continue embodying the core values in my daily work and interactions,” she said. “It serves as a reminder of the positive impact we can collectively make when we align ourselves with the values that define Yale-NUS.”

Aruzhan Shalabayeva
Published Nov 24, 2023

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