Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS College appoints new Vice Presidents Professor David Post and Dean Dave Stanfield

Yale-NUS College appoints new Vice Presidents Professor David Post and Dean Dave Stanfield

New appointments for the Dean of Faculty and Dean of Students

Kristine Chng
Published Mar 01, 2022

To strengthen the College’s residential life and academic offerings in the new Academic Year 2022/2023, Dean of Faculty and Visiting Wong Ngit Liong Professor David Post will be appointed as Vice President (Academic Affairs) and Dean of Faculty, while Dean of Students Dr Dave Stanfield will be appointed as Vice President (Student Affairs) and Dean of Students from 1 July 2022. These appointments will build on the College’s academic and residential curriculum expertise, positioning our community to make an impact wherever they are.

As Dean of Faculty, Prof Post oversees faculty development, academic programmes, and curriculum, which are critical components of the overall undergraduate experience. Galvanised by a strong belief in a liberal arts and sciences education, his priorities include maintaining excellence in teaching and research, supporting faculty mentoring, and developing areas of distinction among the divisions and majors.

A distinguished scientist and excellent administrator, his passion for teaching students and nurturing and supporting his fellow faculty members have inspired students and colleagues alike. Prof Post’s new appointment as Vice President (Academic Affairs) and Dean of Faculty augments his commitment to serve the Yale-NUS community.  As he oversees all academic programming within the College, he will continue to keep a keen focus on sustaining our curriculum, enabling faculty and student research and encouraging student and faculty development as they harness diverse perspectives to create a world of impact.

Prof Post will manage strategic planning for the transition and focus on maintaining cooperation and collaboration with Yale and the National University of Singapore, as visiting professorships continue over the next few years. Another key focus area is the maintenance of the distinctive Yale-NUS curriculum through the transition, which will ensure that students and faculty continue to learn and teach in a vibrant environment.

On his new appointment, Prof Post said, “I am excited to continue working with our faculty, staff, and the senior leadership team, along with Dr Dave Stanfield as Vice President (Student Affairs) and Dean of Students, to provide the strongest possible educational experience for our students. I am looking forward to working with all members of the College community to develop and implement plans that preserve the Yale-NUS experience and help our faculty, students, and staff transition to new opportunities as the College merges.”

Similarly, Dr Dave Stanfield is also preparing to take on more responsibilities. No stranger to students, Dr Stanfield oversees campus life, residential living and student services at the College in his role as Dean of Students, working closely with students to help them develop skills and discover passions that will help them to be professionally successful and personally fulfilled.

His work has enhanced student life and enriched the College’s distinctive residential curriculum, while his leadership of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) has enabled greater synergy and efficiencies between experiential learning and student support. This has led to the development of new programmes and increased the dynamism and support for the Yale-NUS student community, while providing growth opportunities for staff. The vibrant residential life at the College is a distinctive hallmark of a Yale-NUS student’s experience and the team continues to ensure opportunities for growth to take place through new and expanded programmes across curricular, residential life, and staff and faculty platforms, as well as via intentional conversations.

Moving forward, Dr Stanfield will spearhead a suite of student-related functions, such as student programming, residential life, career services, student well-being, international programmes, and student services in his new role as Vice President (Student Affairs) and Dean of Students.

To expand the impact of SAO, which was created in August last year, Dr Stanfield will focus on the further integration of the Dean of Students Office with the Centre for International & Professional Experience (CIPE) to provide a more holistic student experience. For instance, his team will be looking at crafting a new ‘Senior Year Experience’ as part of the Residential Curriculum which includes a variety of programmes to help students build the skills and aptitudes necessary to thrive in life, within and beyond Yale-NUS.

On his new appointment, Dr Stanfield said, “I am delighted to be asked to step into a more strategic role, especially at a time when preserving the Yale-NUS student experience is so important. I greatly appreciate Yale-NUS and will continue to work closely with students to keep our community strong and thriving. I’m very much looking forward to serving on President-Designate Joanne Robert’s leadership team.”

“I am excited to work alongside SAO colleagues to identify new and innovative ways to support Yale-NUS students and provide a world-class student experience for them!”

Kristine Chng
Published Mar 01, 2022

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