Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS celebrates dedicated alumni mentors

Yale-NUS celebrates dedicated alumni mentors

An evening of gratitude - forging closer ties between the College and its alumni

Daphnee Potin
Published Sep 19, 2023

On 8 September 2023, Yale-NUS College hosted its second alumni appreciation event, celebrating the steadfast commitment of alumni mentors. These mentors have been pivotal in guiding current students through their academic journeys and equipping them for life beyond the campus.

President Joanne Roberts delivering a speech at the event, set within the cosy confines of her apartment. Image provided by Pandora Tan.

This event, following the successful launch of the Alumni Advising and Mentoring Initiative (AAMI) in 2021, marked another milestone in fostering closer ties between the College and its alumni.

Dr Trisha Craig addressing the attendees, offering words of appreciation. Image provided by Pandora Tan.

The evening commenced with speeches by President Roberts and Dr Trisha Craig, Vice President (Engagement), who emphasised the distinctiveness of the Yale-NUS community and how our alumni remained concerned about the College’s community.

“Many of you are so ready and eager to be a mentor. We are incredibly grateful for that,” she shared. She also announced that there will be another opportunity to mentor next summer during the one-on-one mentoring programme.

President Roberts also underlined the significance of these mentorship networks, “Whether seeking career guidance or travel advice and a place to stay, our alumni stand always ready to assist. As we go forward, these relationships will form a valued, dynamic and tight lifelong network.”

Adlin Zainal, Assistant Manager at the Alumni Affairs & Strategic Events (AASE) department elucidated the essence of the gathering. “Throughout the year, our alumni give back to the College in many different ways, whether it’s through semester advising or one-on-one mentoring. However, they don’t often get opportunities to gather and for us to say thank you for dedicating time to mentor our students. This event is essentially a platform for that – to express our gratitude.”

One of the mentors, David Zhang (Class of 2019) reflected on his time at Yale-NUS and emphasised the significant role of mentorship in his journey. “It’s an opportunity for me to give back to the community,” he shared. David believes that the support he received from both informal and formal advisors was instrumental to his undergraduate development. As he contemplated a shift into fields beyond academia, he greatly appreciated the guidance, advice, and assistance he received. “The interactions have always been deeply enriching, often delving into stimulating conversations about post-graduation work and life,” David added.

Ian Tan (Class of 2025), a psychology major and David’s mentee, shared insights from his first mentorship journey. As a penultimate-year student, Ian felt certain anxieties about the future, but found this mentorship offered a good opportunity to engage in meaningful guidance. “In many ways, David’s experiences mirrored what I envision for my future. This mentorship has been instrumental in sharpening my understanding of what I aspire to in the coming years,” Ian continued.

On a personal level, Ian expressed immense gratitude for the unwavering support he received. Professionally, David pointed him to valuable resources, shared resume tips, and even advised on the types of questions to anticipate in professional settings, such as consultancy. “We meet online once a month,” Ian added and to him, these sessions have become invaluable touchpoints, helping him navigate both academic and professional waters.

Rector Khoo Hoon Eng, Glen Kilian Koh (Class of 2018), and Yip Jia Qi (Class of 2020) seen sharing a meal and engaging in a lively discussion. Image provided by Pandora Tan.

The event concluded with a palpable sense of unity. The deep bond between Yale-NUS and its alumni was evident. With ongoing efforts like these, it is apparent such bonds will grow even more robust in the years to come.

Daphnee Potin
Published Sep 19, 2023

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