Yale-NUS Stories Welcome home, Kingfishers!

Welcome home, Kingfishers!

Inspiring speeches and a convivial atmosphere usher in Kingfishers’ Halcyon Days

After a fulfilling and invigorating semester break, members of the Yale-NUS community were warmly welcomed back on campus on 7 August 2022 at the Welcome Back event, comprising Convocation, Balik Kampung and a reception for parents and family members, to mark the beginning of the new academic year.

The inaugural edition of the event is also one of the first few times Kingfishers across classes have gathered in the Performance Hall in-person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremonial occasion is an unique “opportunity to make some great memories and jump into the academic year with gusto,” shared Associate Dean of Students Cory Owen.

Vice President (Student Affairs) and Dean of Students Dave Stanfield kicked off the event with enthusiastic words of welcome for the semester, before the Yale-NUS Ballroom Society dancers captivated the audience with an enthralling dance segment. The dancers took to the stage with a moving performance about renewal and hope. The dancers’ powerful yet elegant moves paid tribute to the vigour Kingfishers would bring to the year ahead, to rousing applause from the audience.

In her inaugural speech, Yale-NUS College President and Professor of Social Sciences (Economics) Joanne Roberts remarked on her hopes and possibilities for the coming years. She called on all in the community to remain true to its Core Values of Transformation, Exploration, Respect, Inclusivity, and Care, and to work together to make the next three years “​​our Halcyon days – a period characterised by great success and joy, amidst calmness and peace.”

President Roberts also encouraged everyone to make the most of their time here: “Let’s continue to be open to each other and these experiences, to be curious, to learn as much as you can, and to be brave enough to be transformed by this amazing place and time we have together.”

President Joanne Roberts speaking at the Convocation. Image taken by Alan Seah (Class of 2025) for Yale-NUS College.

Lecturer of Humanities (Literature) Kevin Goldstein, who was nominated by students as the Faculty Speaker at the ceremony, took a more philosophical approach in his address. He reflected on the “immense, terrible privilege of time” that college gifts, calling on students to use this time deliberately, to “determine what you believe, what you desire, and who you are.”

Representing the students, President of the 9th Student Government Sabrina Eng (Class of 2025) stepped onto the stage to warm applause, as she reminisced about the journey the College had been on in the previous year, emerging from numerous COVID-19 challenges and working to preserve the Yale-NUS legacy. She praised how the close-knit community found comfort in their shared experience, and likely emerged stronger for it.

“I hope that we will remain supportive of each other and grow even stronger from here on. I hope that anyone can turn to their friends, suitemates, student organisations, classmates, or even just someone you meet in the courtyard for support in your times of need,” Sabrina said, a call to action that was sure to resonate with many in attendance.

Balik Kampung, a carnival with a fun-filled line-up of events and games then took place all around campus, immediately following the Convocation. Taking its name from the Malay phrase for “coming home”, the spirit of community the event embodied was evident all around. Feasting on abundant snack favourites like bubble tea and candy floss, Kingfishers relived childhood memories through games like sumo wrestling and king of hammer, reconnected with friends after a few months apart, and looked forward to what was in store for the year ahead.

Fun activities to welcome the Yale-NUS community home. Images provided by Alan Seah and Tanmay Raghu (Class of 2025).

In addition to the exciting variety of activities at Convocation and Balik Kampung, parents and family members of our Kingfishers were also invited to campus on this special day. President Roberts hosted a reception where they met other members of the College’s senior management to learn more about their vision for the College and their continued commitment towards providing a robust Yale-NUS experience for all enrolled students. Parents and family members had engaging conversations on the range of learning opportunities and how the College will continue to guide and support students on their path of self-exploration, and equip them with the skills to lead a fulfilling life after college.

Parents and family members were hosted to a reception at the President’s apartment. Image taken by Alan Seah (Class of 2025) for Yale-NUS College.

Strong memories were forged this afternoon, a fitting start to the College’s Halcyon Days, filled with the resolve to make the best out of Yale-NUS’ upcoming years and to treasure time and lives shared. As Dr Goldstein put it in his speech, “Nothing beautiful lasts forever, it lives in our memories. So, embrace this place while you have it. There’s no taking it for granted now; all that’s solid melts into air. But memory is stronger than stone, it lingers far longer.”

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