Yale-NUS Stories Dean Greene shares perspectives on admissions

Dean Greene shares perspectives on admissions

Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 08, 2013

As the first batch of students cross the halfway mark of Semester One, Yale-NUS has since started its admissions cycle again to recruit the second intake. The College seeks to find more bright and brilliant students to fill its halls come 2014, and looks forward to growing the learning community. Kristin Greene, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid, shares her perspectives on what is great about Yale-NUS, its students and what the team is working towards.

What do you love about Yale-NUS College?

I just love how the students are taking advantage of the opportunities of Yale-NUS College and how tight knit our community is. Every day I go into the dining hall to eat lunch, faculty and students are sitting together, eating and chatting – whether it was about what happened in class, the latest technology, or movies.

I also love the creative and innovative elements – the College just held a Week 7 program where students chose from 12 topical themes and went on a discovery journey to learn from an interdisciplinary approach, that included field trips, research and even hands-on experiences. It was an opportunity to stretch boundaries and learn in an interdisciplinary way. The group of students who attended ’Placemaking’ transformed Residential College 4 (RC4) into an avant-garde art gallery, with very personal and interesting interpretations of making the place our home. Very creative! There was also focus on social and environmental issues – a team went to Banda Aceh to discover the evolution of rebuilding efforts after the tsunami, while another team talked to different groups of migrant workers to learn their perspectives.

What are the types of students Yale-NUS is looking for?

If you are intellectually curious and have a passion for learning, this is the place for you. If you’re excited about learning across cultures and disciplines, know that taking a step outside your comfort zone is a great way to grow, and if you want to be with global, internationally-minded peers ready to leave the world in a better place than you found it, then we are for you. We are looking for energetic pioneers who will take advantage of this fantastic opportunity at Yale-NUS College.

What do you look forward to in this admissions cycle and where have our Admissions counsellors visited?

We are really excited for this year’s admissions cycle. Last year could not have gone better and there isn’t a week that goes by where I don’t hear from a faculty member or staff about how great our students are. They’ve set a high bar.

We’ve travelled far and wide to find the next class. We’ve been on five continents, countless cities and schools – and we aren’t done yet! We are humbled by the experience and excitement for Yale-NUS College. The next class is not easy to find, but the process will be well worth it.  The Admissions team looks forward to meeting interested individuals and showing them the potential of a Yale-NUS education.

Are there any application tips you want to share with aspiring applicants?

I am often asked for tips on the application process.  We will continue to post about the application process so check our blog to see what’s new.


Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 08, 2013

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