Yale-NUS Stories Global Leader Scholarship recipient, Saza Faradilla, shares her College experiences

Global Leader Scholarship recipient, Saza Faradilla, shares her College experiences

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Saza Faradilla, Class of 2018, is a recipient of the Global Leader Scholarship award that was established by a donor. Since entering Yale-NUS, the energetic freshman has involved herself in many facets of academia and residential life – from joining various student organisations, to gamely participating in school sporting events and cultivating her strong personal interest in non-profit endeavours. She highlights some of her College experiences so far.

Why did you choose to come to Yale-NUS?
Apart from the abundance of opportunities Yale-NUS presents, I chose Yale-NUS because of the people I met during the Experience Yale-NUS Weekend. They were immensely talented in whatever arena they chose to cultivate their passions in, but what struck me most was the character and humility each person exuded. No one boasted about their achievements, because they didn’t feel the need to. I realised then that this is the sort of environment I would love to be in – one where I am constantly inspired by the accolades and initiative of the people around me, and where I strive to excel with grace and humility.

How have you found the College experience so far?

I feel extremely blessed to be able to live and study in an institution which is so diverse, and is helping to build the stairs for me to achieve my potential. I especially cherish the conversations through which I gain the opportunity to learn from my peers. Living a few doors or floors away from friends makes for very fun shared experiences, be it going for supper or celebrating birthdays.

What activities and student organisations are you involved in?
I’m currently involved in a couple of activities, including the Yale-NUS International Relations and Political Association (YIRPA), Netball and the G-spot. I was really excited to serve as Under-Secretary General for Delegate Liaisons at the Asia-Pacific Model United Nations (APMUN) that Yale-NUS hosted, especially because it was the largest MUN Conference in Singapore and possibly Asia! I just picked up netball in College, and it’s been a tonne of fun – playing, laughing and crying with the other girls!

A pet project that I’m pioneering is KidsAccomplish, an enrichment programme for upper primary school students that aims to develop holistic and curious youths who possess social and international awareness. With a three-tiered programme of the Global, Community and Individual, we hope to be able to develop youths with character who will thrive in an ever-changing 21st century.

Describe Yale-NUS in three words.
Brimming with innovation

Describe yourself in three words.
Energy, Optimism, Vibrancy

What are your top three hopes for the college?
I hope that Yale-NUS will continue to be a hotbed of ideas where diverse opinions and values are discussed freely. As Yale-NUS grows, I am expecting more community service projects, because we should be able to give back considering the amount of opportunities we are given. Finally, I hope that the spirit of Yale-NUS, where people treat one another kindly and respectfully, continues.

How have you benefitted from the scholarship?

During junior college, when I wasn’t a recipient of a scholarship or financial aid, I had to double up as a tuition teacher in the evenings and a student in the day. It was really tough juggling my schoolwork with extra-curricular commitments and, on top of that, giving tuition. This scholarship has really helped me enjoy actual schooling – taking part in College sports, dialogues, symposiums – as well as taking my learning out of the classroom without having to worry about finances.

For more Giving stories, head on over to https://giving.yale-nus.edu.sg/giving-stories/.

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