Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS’ first End of Year Celebrations

Yale-NUS’ first End of Year Celebrations


Almost a year after the first class of students were admitted, Yale-NUS College celebrated the end of classes for the first academic year. Colourful paper planes and baubles strung overhead in the corridors of Residential College 4 (RC4) led students, faculty and staff into the decked-out Dining Hall for dinner. Groups of community members stopped by the photo booth just outside the Hall to commemorate the night. Everyone was dressed to the nines. It was, after all, the End of Year Celebrations.

There was music, dancing and lots of laughter. The first performance of the night was a Ukrainian dance. Led by freshman Nicholas Carverhill, the dancers wowed the gathered community of over 200 people and kicked off the night with a huge blast.

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Students who performed a lively Ukrainian dance

President Pericles Lewis then took to the stage and said a few words to wrap up the academic year. He also took part in the College’s first-ever Instagram post later that night – a selfie with students from the first class, Oscar style.

Photo 21-4-14 8 00 41 pm
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Faculty and staff also showed their mettle with a performance by The Lecture Notes, an a cappella choral group led by Professor Sarah Weiss.

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A jazz trio filled the hall with music as people chatted over a three-course dinner. 

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Dessert was followed by a bhangra dance performance by some students, and dinner became a party as the dancers led the whole community over to the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH).

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Over at the MPH, everyone was treated to a K-pop dance by another group of students. 

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Community of Learning, a student band, put on a rousing performance and the crowd danced the night away.

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