Yale-NUS Stories Yale-NUS Admissions welcomes applications for the Class of 2019!

Yale-NUS Admissions welcomes applications for the Class of 2019!

Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 01, 2014


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After welcoming the Class of 2018, the Yale-NUS Admissions team has already embarked on another busy and exciting year of student visits and applications. The team, headed by Dean of Admissions Kristin Greene, works hard all year-round to spread word of Yale-NUS to every corner of the globe. In addition to reading applications and making admissions decisions, the team engages in a large number of outreach efforts and workshops at schools within Singapore and abroad.

At this time of year, several of the admissions staff are engaged in international outreach programmes, where they will spend two or more weeks visiting high schools and junior colleges across the world in search of the best and brightest students to add to our growing and diverse community.

Locally, admissions hosted a Yale-NUS Open House earlier this month that drew a crowd of over 300 students and their families to the college. The visitors heard from Dean Greene, attended faculty and student panels on the curriculum and student experience, and received a tour of the campus.

Whether it’s during an international outreach trip or at an Open House, students often ask if there is a formula used by the Admissions team in order to make admissions decisions.

Associate Director of Admissions, Laura Severin, encourages students to think beyond just their grades, reminding them that Yale-NUS celebrates students who possess a variety of strengths and who will contribute to the overall community at the college.

“While academics are important, there is so much more to a student, and we are equally interested in who our applicants are beyond the classrooms as we are with their performance inside of them,” Severin offers.

“This holistic admissions approach ensures that the students we enroll not only show great intellectual curiosity but also demonstrate the ability to think creatively and innovatively. At Yale-NUS, we seek those who will be active participants in both our residential and academic community.”

For students who are interested in joining Yale-NUS, applications for Round 1 are currently being accepted and will close on 1 November 2014. Round 2 and Round 3 have admission deadlines in January and March for those who require more time to complete their applications.

For more information about the process, please refer to the Yale-NUS admissions page here.

Jacqueline Su
Published Oct 01, 2014

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