Profiles of Class of 2023 graduates

Fredrika Aakerman

Fredrika Aakerman

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Studies

Class of 2023, Sweden
Research Analyst at Mana Impact and MEM candidate at Yale University

Fredrika Aakerman is a Research Analyst at Mana Impact. She evaluates and analyses investment opportunities in biotech and the circular economy, directing capital toward innovations promoting a regenerative and circular economy. In August 2025, she will pursue a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) in Industrial Ecology and Green Chemistry at Yale University as part of Yale-NUS College’s Special Programme with Yale School of the Environment.

While at Yale-NUS, Fredrika studied Environmental Studies with a specialisation in Sustainable Design and a minor in Life Sciences. She credits the interdisciplinary and rigorous nature of her Yale-NUS classes, and her semester abroad and Student Research Project at Yale, with equipping her with the skills to effectively communicate technical information to diverse audiences.

“My interdisciplinary training at Yale-NUS has been instrumental in seamlessly integrating my STEM background into a finance-oriented role. There is a pressing need to redirect capital to innovations that do good for people and the planet, and there is an important role for sustainability-focused students to play in assessing those flows. I believe that effective communication is paramount for technical experts to bridge gaps with other industries and push sustainability into further focus.”

Christie Chiu

Christie Chiu

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Arts and Humanities

Class of 2023, Singapore
Journalist at The Straits Times

Christie Chiu joined The Straits Times as a journalist after graduating from Yale-NUS College.

At Yale-NUS College, Christie worked on multiple creative projects merging her interests of writing, art-making, and environmental discourse. One such project was Lanhua, which placed first place in the 2023 Yale-NUS Literary Awards’ Playwriting category. Beyond coursework, Christie was involved in various theatre productions as a performer and stage manager. She also worked closely with Yale-NUS faculty on DOKYU, an international collaborative project reimagining the disciplinary boundaries of archival documentation and was the president of Yale-NUS College’s hybrid art collective, Storytellers.

The College’s unique environment for interdisciplinary innovation continually challenged Christie to make fresh connections between her seemingly disparate interests. She values her time at Yale-NUS for imbuing in her the instinct to seek alternative perspectives.

“The heart of Yale-NUS College is its people. I will always remember the many professors who spoke with me for hours on end not just about class assignments, but about my life and aspirations. To them, I was more than a student or artist; I was also a fellow human being and they always encouraged me to be bold in my pursuits.”

Venkatkrishna Karumanchi

Venkatkrishna Karumanchi

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences

Class of 2023, India
Pursuing Master of Mathematics at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Venkatkrishna Karumanchi is pursuing a master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Cambridge before embarking on a PhD programme. His specific interest area in mathematics lies in probability theory as he loves how it combines the beauty of abstract mathematics and the inspection of real-world phenomena. In his graduate studies, Venkatkrishna plans to study the universal objects arising in probability theory such as continuum random trees and the KPZ universality class.

Venkatkrishna came to Yale-NUS College with the original intention to major in Economics, but later decided to major in Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences (MCS) after attending MCS classes and being inspired by the passionate MCS faculty at Yale-NUS. He attributed the close-knit nature of the Yale-NUS community, the small class sizes, and the passionate faculty for nurturing his interest in mathematics.

“At Yale-NUS, I was able to begin research and take independent reading courses quite early, owing to the College’s Summer Research Programme (SRP) funding and academic flexibility. These experiences showed me that I enjoyed tackling challenging research problems and self-studying new concepts, prompting me to pursue an academic career.”

Ryan Kueh

Ryan Kueh

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Class of 2023, Singapore
Schwarzman Scholar Class of 2023/2024

Ryan Kueh is the third Schwarzman Scholar from Yale-NUS. He is pursuing a Masters in Global Affairs at Tsinghua University, China. Upon completing his master’s degree at Tsinghua, he will join Bain & Company as an Associate Consultant. As part of his final year capstone, Ryan researched the history of Singapore’s hawkers and their changing political, economic, and social impacts.

“Yale-NUS has played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today. The first way it did this was by teaching me what being in a supportive community meant. At Yale-NUS, we not only have the companionship of the brightest minds around but also individuals who are incredibly passionate and empowered to challenge each other holistically and healthily. This inclusiveness creates a safe space to try new things, allowing us to grow our breadth of faculties with sufficient depth. This is concomitant to the second reason, its pedagogy, where the liberal arts model supports us in pursuing the goal of learning for learning’s sake. At its core, Yale-NUS teaches us the skills to be adept learners, equipping us with the tools to be multi-disciplinary in both its conceptual and efficacy sense.”

Odele Tan

Odele Tan

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Urban Studies

Class of 2023, Singapore
Transport Planner at Arup, Singapore

Odele Tan majored in Urban Studies with a minor in Mathematical, Computational, and Statistical Sciences, and joined Arup, a sustainable development consultancy for the built environment, after graduating. As a Transport Planner, she collaborates with stakeholders, analyses technical data, and researches about active and future mobility with respect to sustainable development.

With the supportiveness of the Urban Studies faculty and flexibility of Yale-NUS’ liberal arts and science programme, Odele developed her interests and skills in data-driven urban planning. Odele credits Yale-NUS’ critical and interdisciplinary teaching in helping her bring a competitive edge and a holistic perspective to the urban planning industry.

“Studying the liberal arts has been a sheer joy for me. I am deeply thankful for the spaces and communities of the College to explore and pursue my niche from the many classes, activities, and experiences offered. The lessons I learned at Yale-NUS have stayed with me beyond the classroom and have enabled me to engage with the world around me critically and compassionately.”

The Class of 2023 comprised 249 graduates. For more information about the results of the Joint Autonomous Graduate Employment Survey (JAUGES 2023), read the media release:

About 90% of Yale-NUS fresh graduates secured employment in six months

Last updated on 23/02/2024

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