Media Releases Yale-NUS College welcomes Visiting Professors from Yale University

Yale-NUS College welcomes Visiting Professors from Yale University

Published Mar 06, 2014

Upcoming public lectures on political thought, poetry and urban studies 

Yale-NUS College welcomes three distinguished Yale University professors, Professors Bryan Garsten, Deborah Davis and Amy Hungerford, who will be speaking at Yale-NUS College on 11, 12 and 13 March respectively. These professors, each specialising in a different area of study – from political thought to poetry to urban studies – will also be interacting with Yale-NUS faculty and students during their visit to the College.

On 11 March, Professor Bryan Garsten will present his public lecture titled ‘Rethinking Solitude’. At Yale-NUS, Professor Garsten was Chair of the Yale-NUS Curriculum Committee from 2012 to 2013, and is now the J Y Pillay Visiting Distinguished Professor.

“I’ll also be giving a lecture on John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty in the Philosophy and Political Thought course, talking with faculty about their research, and trying to visit with as many students and professors as I can to learn about how things are going so far,” the professor of Political Science at Yale said.

Professor Deborah Davis, Tan Chin Tuan Visiting Professor in Chinese Studies, will take to the podium on 12 March to share her expertise in urban studies, with an emphasis on urban China. Professor Davis has been involved in Yale-NUS’ development since 2009, as part of the original committee to visit Singapore on the first exploratory trip from Yale, and subsequently in early curriculum development discussions.

“This will be my fourth trip to Singapore related to the creation of the Yale-NUS College, but the first to see faculty and students ‘in action’,” Professor Davis shared. “From all the reports and videos, it is clear that the College is an extraordinary community of teaching and learning, and I am expecting to bring back many ideas that will invigorate my own work in New Haven.”

Professor Amy Hungerford will speak on 13 March about the American Modernist poet, Wallace Stevens. Her talk, titled Wallace Stevens and the Art of the Empty Mind, is part of the President’s Speaker Series, which has hosted distinguished guests such as investment guru Mr Jim Rogers, renowned essayist and travel writer Mr Pico Iyer, and award-winning Singaporean director Mr Anthony Chen.

“I’m looking forward to meeting Yale-NUS College faculty, staff, and students during my visit,” Professor Hungerford said. “In my lecture, I’ll talk about Wallace Stevens, a Modernist American poet whose work has interesting intersections with the cross-cultural curriculum at the College.”

An English professor at Yale, Professor Hungerford is known globally for her free, popular online course, ‘The American Novel Since 1945’, available on YouTube and Coursera.  She is also the founder of Post•45, a professional association for scholars working in post-45 literary and cultural studies.

Events At A Glance


Rethinking Solitude by Professor Bryan Garsten

Date: 11 March 2014

Time: 5 – 6 pm

Venue: Stephen Riady Centre, LT52 (University Town)


Replacing the Urban: Rural Binary by Professor Deborah Davis

Date: 12 March 2014

Time: 5 – 6 pm

Venue: College of Alice and Peter Tan, Auditorium 3 (University Town)


President’s Speaker Series:

Wallace Stevens and the Art of the Empty Mind by Professor Amy Hungerford

Date: 13 March 2014

Time: 5 – 6 pm

Venue: Stephen Riady Centre, LT53 (University Town)


President’s Speaker Series

Yale-NUS College is bringing liberal arts to the community by launching a series of public lectures with key personalities and influential experts. The Yale-NUS President’s Speaker Series showcases accomplished and talented luminaries from around the world. The lectures are designed for a broad audience, enabling the community to learn from and engage with some of the brightest academics and practitioners in a diverse range of disciplines on contemporary issues in our world today.

Published Mar 06, 2014

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