Media Releases After two highly selective rounds, next application deadline of Singapore’s first liberal arts college approaches

After two highly selective rounds, next application deadline of Singapore’s first liberal arts college approaches

Published Dec 17, 2012

Yale-NUS College, Singapore’s first liberal arts college, has opened its next round of admissions after receiving close to 2,600 applications from two earlier rounds this year. Applications to the College came from students across 72 nationalities.

After several weeks of deliberations, the admissions committee admitted 96 students in May, of which more than 60 have accepted a place at the College. Another 65 students were offered a place in December, and they have until 1 May 2013 to reply with their decisions. Yale-NUS College will open its doors to an inaugural batch of 150 students in August 2013.

“After visiting more than 35 countries on five different continents in the past year, Yale-NUS has received an incredible number of applications from top students in Singapore and around the world. It was so rewarding to read these strong applications and then interview so many accomplished and intelligent students who are interested in taking advantage of the truly groundbreaking global opportunity that Yale-NUS represents.  My team and I are already looking forward to reviewing even more applications in our next round,” says the College’s Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Jeremiah Quinlan.

Singapore students who apply with their preliminary results will be able to send in their ‘A’ Levels results in March 2013 to supplement their applications.  The College employs a holistic approach to the evaluation of applicants. While academic achievement as reflected in examinations grades is a primary consideration, interviews, recommendations, essays and extracurricular accomplishments are also given significant weight in the process.

“In particular, we are looking for young people with demonstrated leadership potential, an appetite to become critical thinkers, and the motivation to make the best use of the College’s extraordinary resources,” says Yale-NUS’ President Pericles Lewis.

Published Dec 17, 2012

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